Monday, January 11, 2010


I've been thinking ... again. Why are so many Black Christians liberal democrats? Obviously, the party's platform is not in line with a lot of "Christian" dogma. I mean the party is largely: pro choice, pro gay marriage, pro gay rights in general, pro civil liberties, anti prayer in schools, anti death penalty, anti gov't/church make out sessions.

And yet, most Black people are decidedly Christian, liberal, and democratic.

My conclusion? I think we, as a demographic, talk pretty big shit. BUT we don't really mean most of it.

I think we're too smart to mean it. We understand that outlawing all abortion is nonsense. That gay love is the same as straight love. That civil liberties were not always for everyone. That prayer in schools can cause all sorts of problems (What if someone wants to pray to the Devil or "Speak in tongues" or stuff like that?). That the gov't has no place in the church and vise-versa.

That while we, on paper may be republicans, are, in reality, quite democratic.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

My new apartment

So, here's my new apartment. Its in Hillcrest Heights; which really means its technically in Maryland but literally in DC. Its okay for the money and proximity to the metro. My neighbor is pretty quiet. I say neighbor because I live on the top floor, next to the penthouse. My other neighbor is a stairwell. I guess in the grander scheme of things, its pretty much perfect.

Wait no, there are no restaurants here! But the abundance of single chicks more than makes up for that ... and no, i'm not saying that they are only good for cooking.